Saturday, September 24, 2016

The Ageing-birthday 22.09.2016

Life is beautiful...
Many a beautiful thing happens that makes this life so much precious and to love for. Unless these things happen over and over the so called life we live becomes stubborn and paralyzed.

What I have wished for the previous whole year since my last birthday that a lot of beautiful things will happen.
And...and...they happened too!
I am well aware of those. Everybody in my circle does...
I am just overwhelmed but they are really precious for my whole life to cheer for.
I am leaving a life full of joy and happiness! Yes.. why not! Over this,
I celebrated this 22nd September as my 31st birthday.
Lots of your wishes blessed me. I feel cared and honored. FB n Whatsapp are so concerned for me.
Some of us have this experience that life teaches in different ways as it get more and more matured.
What we have in our ongoing journey, that doesn't goes that good in all matters as always.

Moreover, I never felt so vulnerable for my expectations towards the whole world before.  But this time It is...

I felt detached.
I felt introverted.
I felt puzzled.... Yes... the truth.

Unknowingly, In expense of those precious and beautiful things, I have to gain some much much unwanted also overburden  responsibilities what I am unaware at the time of procuring them.
As, through the irregular regulations of society...I  got handcuffed to the custody of those responsibilities permanently. And now onwards I have to.

I am not afraid of the society to restrict me.

I am afraid... that I may not loose the enthusiasm of being extravagant.
I am afraid...that in the meantime of ageing, the insecure society may indicate me as changed, as self-centered, or as pathetic!!!

Ohh yes...I have sensed that indication.
I am loosing my childhood...loosing the freedom of being absurd...the freedom of being irresponsible. Here I am not as before.
Not the least, I have gained a voice of married man. it inevitable; The continuous process of masking the childhood within?
I also want my birthday to be celebrated through candles lights.
Then...why in tears!
That too before my own  parents!
Am I really changed by those beautiful things that I  need for my life to cheer for? Or this is just a sign of certain natural phenomenon that should be ignored... goes on...the thoughts being more and more complicated.


Seeing over the horizon,
Oo God...
Wandering a poet within me.

Needs some words,
Needs some space,
To create that extravaganza.

It could
realize the subtle Earth…
That ignorance of all.

You are pure,
You are pious,
Oo God…

Make it alive again.
Before it dies…
To the emptiness,
And dark loneliness.
